Use the “ ScrollLock” key in game to activate/deactive the plugin.
Download, Witcher 1 Realistic Cinematic SweetFX Preset from below, extract it and overwrite the “ SweetFX_settings.txt” file in the “ The Witcher Enhanced Edition\System\SweetFX\” directory. Copy ReShade.fx and Sweet.fx files and SweetFX directory to “ The Witcher Enhanced Edition\System\” directory. Figure out which API the game uses for rendering, or any of the following DLL names the game loads and rename the DLL you just copied to that. More Alien Skyrim is total sky overhaul and a SweetFX preset design to make skyrim. Extract the archive, figure out if the game executable is 32bit or 64bit ( Witcher is 32bit) and copy either ReShade32.dll or ReShade64.dll “ The Witcher Enhanced Edition\System” directory. Download DDU: Install run it Enter Safe mode Uninstall all the NVIDIA. First download Reshade 1.1.0 with SweetFX 2.0. It greatly enhances the graphics without making the game too colorful, too dark or too awkward. This is the best SweetFX I’ve found for the Witcher 1.
Note: Instructions for this guide has been corrected.Please re-check them if you fail to make it work in the past.